The most popular Virtual Game concept is coming to the Metaverse
In order for players to enter the MetaGo universe, their wallets must hold a minimum number of MetaGo tokens. This number will be determined prior to game launch and set at a relatively low value at the time of launch. We chose this approach as we expect the price of MetaGo tokens to rise exponentially as time goes by.
The game in a nutshell
Capture your NFT characters and fight on the MetaVerse! MetaGo seeks to become the most popular MetaVerse project in the entire world. With a concept that has stood the test of time, and was proven to be popular by hundreds of millions of players (PokemonGo), MetaGo guarantees mass adoption amongst a crowd of players hungry to surf on the MetaVerse. MetaGo is a game that will reward its players not only with fun and adventure but with the chance to capture NFTs of different rarity classes and explore a world filled with fantastic beasts and quests. Additionally, as the MetaGo token will be the main currency of the MetaGo universe, all holders will benefit from a constant source of passive income, in the form of automatically distributed BUSD straight to their wallets.
Each player will be able to choose and customize their characters at the start of their journey. They will be able to pick from two standard models: a "boy" and a "girl"
The features they will be able to change in their characters are as follows: hair, shirt color, skin color, eye style, eye color
The body features they will be able to change in their characters are as follows: shirt style, shoe style, shoe color, hat style, hat colors, pants style, pants colors
There will also be a set of accessories that players can add to their characters, but accessories will be collectible or purchasable in the MetaGo Market, as they will add perks and provide advantages to users. Accessories will include glasses, gloves, capes, robes, vests, and necklaces.
Level-Up: XP and skills
In order to level up in MetaGo, players will have the choice of 3 activities: 1. Adventure and Quests - Solo and Multiplayer 2. Multiplayer Combat 3. Trading and professions Leveling up will allow players to unlock new individual features and abilities and capture rarer Dinosaurs. A player's leveling-up progression can be tracked using their experience (XP) bar. After each level-up, reaching a new, higher level becomes exponentially harder.
MetaGo Adventure and Quests
Players will be able to complete a long, thrilling adventure by pursuing Quests. In Dofus, a Quest is a mission or task given to a character. The objectives may vary, from gathering or delivering items, to defeating monsters, to visiting certain NPCs or locations as well as much more. Completing a quest generally results in a reward of sorts, such as XP or MetaGo tokens. Sometimes players may only be able to start certain quests after completing other ones. While pursuing a quest, players will also be allowed to interact in the same universe, meaning that players will see each other and be able to participate in multiplayer-style gameplay. Not all players around the world will be hosted on the same servers.
MetaGo Multiplayer
The multiplayer mode will be twofold: - Quests and Adventure: all quests can and sometimes need to be completed with multiple players. In order to progress through the storyline, players will collaborate on missions, dungeons and fights. - P2P: Players will be able to fight each other in an Arena, where teams or solo players can challenge each other. Losses result in a person (or group) leveling down and another player (or group) leveling up for the same amount. MetaGo tokens are required to participate in fights and the winning player or team will collect the final prize.
Markets are great places to buy and sell your resources and equipment. Once you click on a Market, you may buy or put up for sale items related to that marketplace. For each item you put up for sale at the marketplace, you are charged a sale fee of 10% (as part of our standard tax).
It is possible to modify the sale price of an item already for sale directly from the sales interface (without having to remove the item and then put it back up for sale). The selling time is renewed when the pack's price is modified. Markets will contribute to making the MetaGo token a great source of passive income for holders. Holders buying and selling on the MetaGo market will pay the 10% tax, half of which is sent out to all holders in BUSD redistribution.
Trading and professions
All Professions are available to your character from the start.
Some professions allow you to gather certain resources from the environment, while other professions allow you to craft certain items. One of the main reasons for leveling a profession is to earn XP and MetaGo tokens. Your character's carrying capacity will also increase for each level you gain in your profession. Professions will be divided as follows: Gathering and Crafting Gatherers will collect resources from the environment, which can be used by crafters to create weapons, gear, or wearables. Each item created by a crafter will have inherent value in the game, whether it is in Quests or Combat. Trading and professions will be an alternative for Adventure or Combat seekers to progress and level up through the game while increasing the players' need for Metago Tokens and raising its value extrinsically.
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